
2024 Recycling Schedule

(1 and 3rd Monday)

January 2 and 15
February 5 and 20
March 4 and 18
April 1 and 15
May 6 and 20
June 3 and 17
July 1 and 15
August 5 and 19
September 3 and 16
October 7 and 21
November 4 and 18
December 2 and 16


Please put your recyclables in the blue container. Acceptable materials are metal cans, plastic #1 thru #5, and #7 (no lids), paper (does not include wrapping paper or plastic bags) and flattened cardboard. Clear glass must be put in a separate box/bucket/container, from the regular recycling.

For recycling or garbage questions, please call Allison City Hall at 319-267-2245 or Jendro Sanitation at 1-600-232-3525.